Of course, you don't have to follow the exact steps of this chapter! But if you want a general idea of things to do, here's your place!


Beginner Prompts

You can get your first Puptual AND a free Willow by completing the first three newbie prompts that comes with registering! Here you can start your journey by looking around and getting accustomed to your new home.


You may notice after completing the last prompt, your character was given 50 reputation with a set number of NPCs.

Reputation is your outlook from others. You can either hinder your reputation with an NPC or strengthing it. The max number of reputation you can ever have with a character is 100, and the minimum is 0.

Main Story
Main Stories, or event stories, pop up once in a while in chapters! There's a limited amount of time to complete the main storyline during every opening, so make sure you keep yourself updated with the recent news and lore so far!
Side Story
Side Stories help develop your character, and provides them with either positive or negative reputation. You can discover new things, shops, and items once completing these! Side Stories have no time limit.

Your character may be locked out of certain things or be open to new things depending on their reputation!

General Activities
  • Weekly Challenges - Hosted by Mothra, here you can get exclusive plushies to work towards your Collections
  • Personal Art - Hosted by Leaf, you can submit personal art of your Willow for Spiritual Tokens!
  • Gift Art - Also hosted by Leaf, here is where you submit gift art of other Willows for others!
  • Meteorology Mania - Hosted by Marbles, due to the weather phenomenon that happen on Willanova, he will give you special items for studying up.
Other On-Site Things
  • Crafting - Other than shops, crafting is how you get items towards customizing your Willow and enhancing your activities!
  • Customization - Willows are a highly customizable species! Through crafting and other prompts, you can shape a Willow how you'd like.

Willanova is always growing! Check back to this guide for more in the future.